Install sbt
brew install sbt
Create an akka project
mkdir akka-dynamo cd akka-dynamo mkdir -p src/main/scala mkdir -p src/test/scala
Create build.sbt
name := "Akka Dynamo" scalaVersion := "2.9.2" resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at "" retrieveManaged := true libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor" % "2.0.3", "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-remote" % "2.0.3", "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-testkit" % "2.0.3" % "test", "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "1.9" % "test", "junit" % "junit" % "4.5" % "test")
The messages
Scala is a strongly typed language so the message types have to be defined. [Case classes] ( are ideal for defining value types like akka messages and enable pattern matching in the actors. Note Ok
, Fail
and Stop
do not require any parameters so are defined as singltons with case object
Erlang is weakly typed and most data structures are a combination of list, tuples and litterals. In scala tuples are replaced cases classes, these are like named tuple types. Litterals are either case objects or java primatives.
{% highlight scala %} package org.iainhull.akka.dynamo
trait Response case object Ok extends Response case object Fail extends Response
trait ServerMessage case class Start(n: Int) extends ServerMessage case object Stop extends ServerMessage case class GetRequest(id: String) extends ServerMessage case class SetRequest(id: String, value: String) extends ServerMessage case class GetResponse(response: Response, id: String, value: Option[String]) extends ServerMessage case class SetResponse(response: Response, id: String) extends ServerMessage {% endhighlight %}
Akka actors are classes that extend Actor
the method recieve is called for each message. Unlike Erlang the this method does not have to recursivelly call itself.
The import statements are standard scala imports and are required to use the Akka api. However the akka.pattern
imports enable the ask
and pipe
patterns. These enable actors to recieve responses to messages they send with the ?
operator and pipe
the responses back as their own reply.
The Start
message starts the server and spawns the database NodeActor
s and replies with Ok
The Stop
message stops the nodes and itself by sending a PoisonPill
to terminate the actor after processing the remaining messages.
The GetRequest
simply passes the message to the first NodeActor
and pipes the reply back to the sender. This makes the GetRequest a simple proxy for the first node.
The SetRequest
forwards the message to all NodeActor
s and reduces the replies to a single success if they all succeed or a single failure if any of them fail
{% highlight scala %} package org.iainhull.akka.dynamo
import{ Actor, ActorRef, PoisonPill, Props } import akka.dispatch.Future._ import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe } import akka.util.{ Duration, Timeout }
class ServerActor extends Actor { import context.dispatcher
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Duration(2, “seconds”)
var nodes: Seq[ActorRef] = Seq()
def receive = { case Start(n) => nodes = 1 to n map { _ => context.actorOf(Props[NodeActor]) } sender ! Ok case Stop => nodes foreach { _ ! PoisonPill } self ! PoisonPill sender ! Ok case GetRequest(id) => (nodes(0) ? GetRequest(id)) pipeTo sender case SetRequest(id, value) => val results = nodes map { _ ? SetRequest(id, value) } reduce(results) { case (SetResponse(Ok, _), SetResponse(Ok, _)) => SetResponse(Ok, id) case (SetResponse(Fail, _), ) => SetResponse(Fail, id) case (, SetResponse(Fail, _)) => SetResponse(Fail, id) } pipeTo sender } } {% endhighlight %}
- Create specs2 unit test
- Create server actor
- have to define message classes (scala is strongly typed)
- initial version only uses server actor (no nodes)